17  Introducing Vectors and SIMD

In this chapter, I want to discuss vectors in Zig, which are related to SIMD operations (i.e., they have no relationship with the std::vector class from C++).

17.1 What is SIMD?

SIMD (Single Instruction/Multiple Data) is a group of operations that are widely used on video/audio editing programs, and also in graphics applications. SIMD is not a new technology, but the massive use of SIMD on normal desktop computers is somewhat recent. In the old days, SIMD was only used on “supercomputer models”.

Most modern CPU models (from AMD, Intel, etc.) these days (either in a desktop or in a notebook model) have support for SIMD operations. So, if you have a very old CPU model installed in your computer, then, it’s possible that you have no support for SIMD operations in your computer.

Why have people started using SIMD in their software? The answer is performance. But what does SIMD precisely do to achieve better performance? Well, in essence, SIMD operations are a different strategy to get parallel computing in your program, and therefore, make faster calculations.

The basic idea behind SIMD is to have a single instruction that operates over multiple data at the same time. When you perform a normal scalar operation, like for example, four add instructions, each addition is performed separately, one after another. But with SIMD, these four add instructions are translated into a single instruction, and, as consequence, the four additions are performed in parallel, at the same time.

Currently, the zig compiler allows you to apply the following group of operators on vector objects. When you apply one of these operators on vector objects, SIMD is used to make the calculations, and, therefore, these operators are applied element-wise and in parallel by default.

  • Arithmetic (+, -, /, *, @divFloor(), @sqrt(), @ceil(), @log(), etc.).
  • Bitwise operators (>>, <<, &, |, ~, etc.).
  • Comparison operators (<, >, ==, etc.).

17.2 Vectors

A SIMD operation is usually performed through a SIMD intrinsic, which is just a fancy name for a function that performs a SIMD operation. These SIMD intrinsics (or “SIMD functions”) always operate over a special type of object, which are called “vectors”. So, in order to use SIMD, you have to create a “vector object”.

A vector object is usually a fixed-sized block of 128 bits (16 bytes). As a consequence, most vectors that you find in the wild are essentially arrays that contains 2 values of 8 bytes each, or, 4 values of 4 bytes each, or, 8 values of 2 bytes each, etc. However, different CPU models may have different extensions (or, “implementations”) of SIMD, which may offer more types of vector objects that are bigger in size (256 bits or 512 bits) to accomodate more data into a single vector object.

You can create a new vector object in Zig by using the @Vector() built-in function. Inside this function, you specify the vector length (number of elements in the vector), and the data type of the elements of the vector. Only primitive data types are supported in these vector objects. In the example below, I’m creating two vector objects (v1 and v2) of 4 elements of type u32 each.

Also notice in the example below, that a third vector object (v3) is created from the sum of the previous two vector objects (v1 plus v2). Therefore, math operations over vector objects take place element-wise by default, because the same operation (in this case, addition) is transformed into a single instruction that is replicated in parallel, across all elements of the vectors.

const v1 = @Vector(4, u32){4, 12, 37, 9};
const v2 = @Vector(4, u32){10, 22, 5, 12};
const v3 = v1 + v2;
try stdout.print("{any}\n", .{v3});
{ 14, 34, 42, 21 }

This is how SIMD introduces more performance in your program. Instead of using a for loop to iterate through the elements of v1 and v2, and adding them together, one element at a time, we enjoy the benefits of SIMD, which performs all 4 additions in parallel, at the same time.

Therefore, the @Vector structure is essentially the Zig representation of SIMD vector objects. The elements in these vector objects will be operated in parallel, if, and only if your current CPU model supports SIMD operations. If your CPU model does not have support for SIMD, then, the @Vector structure will likely produce a similar performance from a “for loop solution”.

17.2.1 Transforming arrays into vectors

There are different ways to transform a normal array into a vector object. You can either use implicit conversion (which is when you assign the array to a vector object directly), or, use slices to create a vector object from a normal array.

In the example below, we are implicitly converting the array a1 into a vector object (v1) of length 4. We first explicitly annotate the data type of the vector object, and then, we assign the array object to this vector object.

Also notice in the example below, that a second vector object (v2) is also created by taking a slice of the array object (a1), and then, storing the pointer to this slice (.*) into this vector object.

const a1 = [4]u32{4, 12, 37, 9};
const v1: @Vector(4, u32) = a1;
const v2: @Vector(2, u32) = a1[1..3].*;
_ = v1; _ = v2;

It’s worth emphasizing that only arrays and slices whose sizes are compile-time known can be transformed into vectors. Vectors in general are structures that work only with compile-time known sizes. Therefore, if you have an array whose size is runtime known, then, you first need to copy it into an array with a compile-time known size, before transforming it into a vector.

17.2.2 The @splat() function

You can use the @splat() built-in function to create a vector object that is filled with the same value across all of its elements. This function was created to offer a quick and easy way to directly convert a scalar value (a.k.a. a single value, like a single character, or a single integer, etc.) into a vector object.

Thus, we can use @splat() to convert a single value, like the integer 16 into a vector object of length 1. But we can also use this function to convert the same integer 16 into a vector object of length 10, that is filled with 10 16 values. The example below demonstrates this idea.

const v1: @Vector(10, u32) = @splat(16);
try stdout.print("{any}\n", .{v1});
{ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 }

17.2.3 Careful with vectors that are too big

As I described in Section 17.2, each vector object is usually a small block of 128, 256 or 512 bits. This means that a vector object is usually small in size, and when you try to go in the opposite direction, by creating a vector object that is very big in size (i.e., sizes that are close to \(2^{20}\)), you usually end up with crashes and loud errors from the compiler.

For example, if you try to compile the program below, you will likely face segmentation faults, or LLVM errors during the build process. Just be careful to not create vector objects that are too big in size.

const v1: @Vector(1000000, u32) = @splat(16);
_ = v1;
Segmentation fault (core dumped)