8  Unit tests

In this chapter, I want to dive in on how unit tests are developed in Zig. We are going to talk about what is the testing wokflow in Zig, and also, about the test command from the zig compiler.

8.1 Introducing the test block

In Zig, unit tests are written inside a test declaration, or, how I prefer to call it, inside a test block. Every test block is written by using the keyword test. You can optionally use a string literal to write a label, which is responsible for identifying the specific group of unit tests that you are writing inside this specific test block.

In the example below, we are testing if the sum of two objects (a and b) is equal to 4. The expect() function from the Zig Standard Library is a function that receives a logical test as input. If this logical test results in true, then, the test passes. But if it results in false, then, the test fails.

You can write any Zig code you want inside of each test block. Part of this code might be some necessary commands to setup your testing environment, or just initializing some necessary objects.

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
test "testing simple sum" {
    const a: u8 = 2;
    const b: u8 = 2;
    try expect((a + b) == 4);

You can have multiple test blocks written on the same Zig module. Also, you can mix test blocks with your source code, with no problems or consequences. If you mix test blocks with your normal source code, when you execute the build, build-exe, build-obj or build-lib commands from the zig compiler that we exposed at Section 1.2.4, these test blocks are automatically ignored by the compiler.

In other words, the zig compiler only builds and execute your tests when you ask it to. By default, the compiler always ignore test blocks written in your Zig modules. The compiler normally checks only if there are any syntax errors in these test blocks.

If you look at the source code for most of the files present in the Zig Standard Library1, you can see that the test blocks are written together with the normal source code of the library. You can see this for example, at the array_list module2. So, the standard that the Zig developers decided to adopt is to keep their unit tests together with the source code of the functionality that they are testing.

Each programmer might have a different opinion on this. Some of them might prefer to keep unit tests separate from the actual source code of their application. If that is your case, you can simply create a separate tests folder in your project, and start writing Zig modules that contains only unit tests (as would normally do on a Python project with pytest, for example), and everything will work fine. It boils down to which is your preference here.

8.2 How to run your tests

If the zig compiler ignores any test block by default, how can you compile and run your unit tests? The answer is the test command from the zig compiler. By running zig test command, the compiler will find every instance of test block in your Zig module, and, it will compile and run the unit tests you wrote.

zig test simple_sum.zig
1/1 simple_sum.test.testing simple sum... OK
All 1 tests passed.

8.3 Testing memory allocations

One of the advantages of Zig is that it offers great tools that hep us, programmers, to avoid (but also detect) memory problems, such as memory leaks and double-frees. The defer keyword is specially helpful in this regard.

When developing your source code, you, the programmer, is responsible for making sure that your code do not produce such problems. However, you can also use a special type of allocator object in Zig, that is capable of automatically detect such problems for you. This is the std.testing.allocator object. This allocator object offers some basic memory safety detection features, which are capable of detecting memory leaks.

As we described at Section 3.1.5, to allocate memory on the heap, you need to use an allocator object, and your functions that use these objects to allocate memory on the heap, should receive an allocator object as one of it’s inputs. Every memory on the heap that you allocate using these allocator objects, must also be freed using this same allocator object.

So, if you want to test the memory allocations performed by your functions, and make sure that you don’t have problems in these allocations, you can simply write unit tests for these functions, where you provide the std.testing.allocator object as input to these functions.

Look at the example below, where I’m defining a function that clearly causes a memory leak. Because we allocate memory with the allocator object, but we do not free this allocated memory in any point. So, when the function returns, we lose the reference to the buffer object, which contains the allocated memory, and, as a result, we can no longer free this memory.

Notice that, inside a test block I execute this function with the std.testing.allocator. Since no visible errors were raised inside the test block, the zig compiler completes the process indicating that the unit tests performed inside the test block labeled as "memory leak have all passed. But despite this result, the allocator object was capable of looking deeper in our program, and detecting the memory leak. As a result, this allocator object returns a message “tests leaked memory”, and also, a stack trace showing the exact point where the memory was leaked.

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
fn some_memory_leak(allocator: Allocator) !void {
    const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u32, 10);
    _ = buffer;
    // Return without freeing the
    // allocated memory

test "memory leak" {
    const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
    try some_memory_leak(allocator);
Test [1/1] leak_memory.test.memory leak...
    [gpa] (err): memory address 0x7c1fddf39000 leaked: 
./ZigExamples/debugging/leak_memory.zig:4:39: 0x10395f2
    const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u32, 10);
./ZigExamples/debugging/leak_memory.zig:12:25: 0x10398ea
    try some_memory_leak(allocator);

... more stack trace

8.4 Testing errors

One commom style of unit tests are those that look for specific errors in your functions. In other words, you write a unit test that tries to assert if a specific function call returns any error, or a specific type of error.

In C++ you would normally write this stye of unit test using, for example, the functions REQUIRE_THROWS() or CHECK_THROWS() from the Catch2 test framework3. In the case of a Python project, you would use the raises() function from pytest4. While in Rust, you would probably use assert_eq!() in conjunction with Err().

But in Zig, we use the expectError() function, from the std.testing module. With this function, you can test if a specific function call returns the exact type of error that you expect it to return. To use this function, you first write try expectError(). Then, on the first argument, you provide the type of error that you are expecting from the function call. Then, on the second argument, you write the function call you expect to fail.

The code example below demonstrates such type of unit test in Zig. Notice that, inside the function alloc_error() we are allocating 100 bytes of memory, or, an array of 100 elements, for the object ibuffer. However, in the test block, we are using the FixedBufferAllocator() allocator object, which is limited to 10 bytes of space, because the object buffer, which we provided to the allocator object, have only 10 bytes of space.

That is why, the alloc_error() function raises an OutOfMemory error on this case. Because this function is trying to allocate more space than the allocator object allows. So, in essence, we are testing for a specific type of error, which is OutOfMemory. If the alloc_error() function returns any other type of error, then, the expectError() function would make the entire test fail.

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
fn alloc_error(allocator: Allocator) !void {
    var ibuffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, 100);
    defer allocator.free(ibuffer);
    ibuffer[0] = 2;

test "testing error" {
    var buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
    var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buffer);
    const allocator = fba.allocator();
    try expectError(error.OutOfMemory, alloc_error(allocator));
1/1 oom.test.testing error... OK
All 1 tests passed.

8.5 Testing simple equalities

In Zig, there are some different ways you can test for an equality. You already saw that we can use expect() with the logical operator == to essentially reproduce an equality test. But we also have some helper functions that you should know about, specially expectEqual(), expectEqualSlices() and expectEqualStrings().

The expectEqual() function, as the name suggests, is a classic test equality function. It receives two objects as input. The first object is the value that you expect to be in the second object. While second object is the object you have, or, the object that your application produced as result. So, with expectEqual() you are essentially testing if the values stored inside the two provided objects are equal or not.

You can see in the example below that, the test performed by expectEqual() failed. Because the objects v1 and v2 contain different values in them.

const std = @import("std");
test "values are equal?" {
    const v1 = 15;
    const v2 = 18;
    try std.testing.expectEqual(v1, v2);
1/1 ve.test.values are equal?...
    expected 15, found 18
    FAIL (TestExpectedEqual)
ve.zig:5:5: test.values are equal? (test)
    try std.testing.expectEqual(v1, v2);
0 passed; 0 skipped; 1 failed.

Although useful, the expectEqual() function does not work with arrays. For testing if two arrays are equal, you should use the expectEqualSlices() function instead. This function have three arguments. First, you provide the data type contained in both arrays that you are trying to compare. While the second and third arguments corresponds to the array objects that you want to compare.

In the example below, we are using this function to test if two array objects (array1 and array2) are equal or not. Since they are in fact equal, the unit test passed with no errors.

const std = @import("std");
test "arrays are equal?" {
    const array1 = [3]u32{1, 2, 3};
    const array2 = [3]u32{1, 2, 3};
    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(
        u32, &array1, &array2
1/1 oom.test.arrays are equal?... OK
All 1 tests passed.

At last, you might also want to use the expectEqualStrings() function. As the name suggests, you can use this function to test if two strings are equal or not. Just provide the two string objects that you want to compare, as inputs to the functions.

If the function finds any existing difference between the two strings, then, the function will raise an error, and also, print an error message that shows the exact difference between the two string objects provided, as the example below demonstrates:

const std = @import("std");
test "strings are equal?" {
    const str1 = "hello, world!";
    const str2 = "Hello, world!";
    try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
        str1, str2
1/1 t.test.strings are equal?... 
====== expected this output: =========
hello, world!␃
======== instead found this: =========
Hello, world!␃
First difference occurs on line 1:
hello, world!
^ ('\x68')
Hello, world!
^ ('\x48')

  1. https://github.com/ziglang/zig/tree/master/lib/std↩︎

  2. https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/array_list.zig↩︎

  3. https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/tree/devel↩︎

  4. https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/reference/reference.html#pytest-raises↩︎