Introduction to Zig
a project-based book
Welcome! This is the initial page for the “Open Access” HTML version of the book “Introduction to Zig: a project-based book”, written by Pedro Duarte Faria. This is an open book that provides an introduction to the Zig programming language, which is a new general-purpose, and low-level language for building robust and optimal software.
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Recipient: Pedro Duarte Faria
Account number: 6124512226
Name and address of the bank: Revolut Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd, 6 Battery Road, Floor 6-01, 049909, Singapore, Singapore
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About this book
This an open (i.e., open-source), technical and introductory book for the Zig programming language, which is a new general purpose, and low-level programming language for building optimal and robust software.
Official repository of the book:
This book is designed for both beginners and experienced developers. It explores the exciting world of Zig through small and simple projects (in a similar style to the famous “Python Crash Course” book from Eric Matthes). Some of these projects are: a Base64 encoder/decoder, a HTTP Server and an image filter.
As you work through the book, you will learn:
- The syntax of the language, and how it compares to C, C++ and Rust.
- Data structures, memory allocators, filesystem and I/O.
- Optionals as a new paradigm to handle nullability.
- How to test and debug a Zig application.
- Errors as values, and how to handle them.
- How to build C and Zig code with the build system that is embedded into the language.
- Zig interoperability with C.
- Parallelism with threads and SIMD.
- And more.
Copyright © 2025 Pedro Duarte Faria. This book is licensed by the CC-BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License4.
Book compilation metadata
This book was compiled using the following versions of Zig and Quarto:
- System version: Linux, 6.11.0-19-generic, 24.04.1-Ubuntu, x86_64.
- Zig version: 0.14.0-dev.3046+08d661fcf.
- Quarto version: 1.5.57.
Book citation
You can use the following BibTex entry to cite this book:
author = {Pedro Duarte Faria},
title = {Introduction to Zig},
subtitle = {a project-based book},
month = {October},
edition = {1},
year = {2024},
address = {Belo Horizonte},
url = {}
This book is also a product of many conversations and exchanges that we had with different people from the Zig community. I (Pedro Duarte Faria) am incredibly grateful for these conversations, and also, for some direct contributions that we had. Below we have a list of the people involved (name of the person with their usename in GitHub):
Calin Martinconi (@martinconic), Steffen Roller (@sroller), Chris Boesch (@chrboesch), Lv Sihan (@Pokryton), saurabh sharma. (@esskayesss), slackline (@slackline), Markus Kurz (@kurz-m), Rubin Simons (@rubin55), Chris Boesch (@chrboesch), Bruno (@PoorlyDefinedBehaviour), Ilia Choly (@icholy), Korri Katti (@KorryKatti), Vedang Manerikar (@vedang), Tommaso Ricci (@Zorgatone), Primo Sabatini (@primos63), Santiago Fernandez (@santif), Hamza Wahed (@HamzaWahed), mwilbur (@mwilbur), Dima Budaragin (@dbud), Jorge Jímenez (@jorge-j1m), Alexander (@alexwheezy), Maarten Coopens (@maarteNNNN), Niklas Johansson (@Raphexion), glystik (@glystik), Michael Lynch (@mtlynch)